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The Y’s Mission is our reason for being - To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy Spirit, Mind, and Body for all.

The Y’s Cause is our mission in action - A promise to do everything in our movement’s power to enrich the common good and make life better for individuals, families, and communities.

The Y’s Vision within our cause - We will strengthen our community by addressing service area needs through Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility.

At the River Valley Regional YMCA, strengthening the community is our cause. We make a life-changing impact to the children, adults, and families we serve through programs that focus on three key areas: youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.

Our 6 branches provide a variety of programs that support educational achievement, alternatives to teen violence, health/wellness, chronic dis-ease intervention, child care, summer day camp, water safety, homework help, special needs integration, and family programs.

As an organization, we strive to understand our community needs. We provide services and programs that cater specifically to the issues our children, families and neighborhoods face. The Y is open to all people regardless of their ability to pay for programs and services. By investing in our kids, our health and our neighbors, the RVR YMCA ensures that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to thrive—thereby strengthening our community